Mengimbau kenangan ketika zaman belajar, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar telah berkongsi sekeping foto di akaun Instagramnya.
Menurutnya, gambar tersebut diambil pada tahun 1990, kira-kira 29 tahun yang lalu di Manipal Universiti. Tambahnya lagi, waktu itu dia berasa sangat teruja kerana dapat melanjutkan pelajaran di India dengan tajaan JPA.
Dr Sheikh Muszaphar turut berkongsi cerita bahawa dia telah menyimpan wang elaunnya selama 4 tahun semata untuk membeli motosikal untuk keperluan belajar. ‘
” Pic – Back in the old days .
This pic was taken in 1990 during my Medicine days at Manipal University – 29 years ago .
Met my friend again during my recent trip to Kuching .
Those were the days when you were just 18 years old leaving to study in India feeling totally excited under JPA Scholarship .
I used to wear pants with multiple colours even Red , sneakers , tuck in jeans trying to impress the girls – Haha
Wanted to buy a motorbike back then but Dad bought me a bicycle instead … Dad say it’s too dangerous . Being rebellious , I saved my allowance for 4 years before buying my own bike – Bullet Enfield Emerald Green .
Medicine is not just about studying but lots of parties , fun and excitement .
Mixing with my American friends whom took turns on giving attendance for us when we woke up late .
Breakfast with Purées & Parothas with Chutneys every morning .
Those were the days …
But I was always a good student – First Class Honours all the way .
TQ Rahmat for the memories .
How time flies …
Good Morning Everyone .
Love As Always …
PS – All Medicine student out there … This surely not an example to follow . Study smart and keep up with your syllabus on a daily basis.
Medicine is certainly the best profession out there …
Just sharing .”, kongsinya panjang lebar.
Menjengah ke ruangan komen, pengikut Instagramnya memberi komen masing-masing di entri tersebut.
Sumber: Instagram Dr Sheikh Muszaphar
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